At Dentalnova we use the Invisalign® system, which allows you to forget braces. The system is characterized as a treatment of great comfort and suitable for most people. The patient uses transparent covers that change normally every 14 days (thanks to the Dental Acceleration Technologies that we use in our clinic, this time can be reduced to 7 days). They take around 22 hours a day, removing them only at meals. This, unlike what happens with traditional orthodontics, allows us to eat any type of food and properly maintain our oral hygiene …

Crowns on natural tooth

Prosthesis on implants

Partial prostheses

Complete prostheses
Crowns on natural tooth
Its use is recommended in those cases in which the root of the tooth is preserved but the crown is missing (the visible part in the mouth of the tooth). The market offers us various materials for the crowns, such as: porcelain, resin, zirconium .. Our prosthesis specialist will make the pertinent choice in relation to each patient or case.

Prosthesis on implants
The appearance of the implants increased the possibilities of treatment, providing new pillars for the prosthesis and giving the possibility of a fixed prosthesis to patients with total or partial absence of teeth.
According to the situation, we talk about:
Prosthesis on single implants, when we only restore a tooth. The crown (artificial tooth) will be supported on the implant.
Implant-supported bridge, when we restore several teeth. It does not imply placing an implant per tooth to be replaced, for example, if three adjacent teeth are missing, two implants and three crowns can be placed.
Full or implant-supported prosthesis, when we restore all the teeth of an arch.
– It may be just the missing teeth (implant-supported total fixed prosthesis)
– It can be a Hybrid Prosthesis. This type of prosthesis is screwed on the dental implants and for the patient they are completely fixed, although the dentist can easily remove them. For the patient they are very comfortable and can perfectly recover the chewing function with a great aesthetic result.
– Overdentures on implants are a type of removable prosthesis (removable and removable). It does not take a lot of palate and is the best option for patients with large bone loss or with difficulty to clean, allows to support and that does not sink the upper lip, is highly aesthetic, easy to clean and few implants are needed.

Partial prostheses
These are those prostheses that replace one or several missing pieces (they lack roots and teeth). They can be fixed (once placed the patient can not remove them) or they can be removable (the patient can take them out of his mouth and put them back on his own). In both cases, these prostheses are anchored in the mouth, attached to the adjacent teeth by means of hooks or fixed as a bridge over teeth with crowns.
Complete prostheses
These are prostheses or dentures that replace teeth that no longer exist in a full arch. It will be indicated in those patients who for medical reasons can not put implants as support.

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